Wednesday, February 14, 2007

35wks 4days

I had an appointment with the OB yesterday and things are still looking pretty good. I was supposed to see Dr. Uma, but I got my appointment time mixed up (again). I saw Dr. Horn instead. They gave me the Group B Strep test today, and they checked my cervix. I am still not dilated, but I am 40% effaced. The girls are still head down, and they are VERY low. The doctor said that I could go into labor at any point and encouraged me to hang in there. This past month has been very difficult physically, and I have started retaining fluid. I've gained 8lbs since last week and I really hope it's just the fluid. I am trying to stay off my feet as much as possible, but they get swollen pretty fast. I have my weekly non-stress test tomorrow at Cooper and I'm sure that will go well.

1 comment:

Mama Hamzeh said...

the group is wondering if you've delivered??? Thinking of you...
